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Butterflies and Ladybirds


Welcome to the Butterflies and Ladybirds area

This term we have been learning all about plants. We have explored our school grounds to investigate the variety of plants and trees we have.

We learnt all about deciduous and evergreen trees and labelled the different parts we could see. We also looked at different flowers and used magnifying glasses to find the different parts.

In History we have been learning all about transport and how this has changed over time. We looked at the aviators Amelia Earhart and Amy Johnson and discovered what remarkable women they were. We linked this with our geography and used the large maps to track their famous flights and where they went missing on their final flights.

In PE, we have been learning various skills to help us learn to play different sports as we grow. We have worked on our throwing and catching skills and using a bat and ball. We have also enjoyed a visit from the police. Children were very interested to learn about what they did and how they work hard to keep us safe.

In our design and technology lessons we have been looking at moving parts in books and pictures. Children explored a range of stories and investigated what made the parts move. Children then worked hard to create their own moving pictures that we could turn into a card for someone special in our lives.

Year 1 End of Year Expectations

This leaflet shows the overview of what your child is expected to learn by the end of their current year group. These are the minimum requirements to ensure continued progress through the following years.


Year 1 Curriculum Overview 2023-24


Summer 2

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Posted 29/11/23

Forest Park Primary School in Hanley is celebrating a 'good' Ofsted report

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