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Home Learning

It is expected that children read AT LEAST 3 times a week and they spend a minimum of ten minutes on TT Rockstars or Numbots practising their numbers. These have been identified by us as the two areas where the high quality and consistency of time spent by parents working with their child at home can have the biggest impact on their education.

With reading, it is best if you listen to your child read for at least 5 minutes in each sitting – even children who are confident readers benefit from this interaction. Studies have shown the importance of reading with your child no matter what their age or stage.

Solid times tables and number fact knowledge forms the foundations for a lot of work that children do in maths and it is vital for being a successful mathematician. As well as TT Rockstars and Numbots, children can also access sites such as ‘Hit the Button’ and apps such as ‘One Minute Maths’. Please test your child on specific times tables/number facts – seeing if they can recall facts quickly and/or spot any patterns within the numbers. Encourage that competitive spirit to aspire to achieve.

Studies from the EEF also show targeted home learning such as this progresses children on average by 3 months in primary schools and it is more effective than giving other written home learning just for the sake of doing more work.

Thank you for the hard work that you put in at home, we appreciate your support and the children benefit greatly from this.

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