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Hedgehogs and Kingfishers


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In their science topic this term, year 6 have been learning all about the Circulatory System. They created a ‘blood solution’ using cheerio's, marshmallows, rice and food colouring to represent and further understand the different components of blood. From this, the children were able to grasp important vocabulary such as platelets and plasma, alongside understanding their vital function within the blood. The children used percentages to measure out the components, which was great maths practise too!

Keeping with the theme of the heart and the Circulatory System, Kingfishers hosted their class assembly. The assembly boasted a variety of information to showcase the Children's learning with exciting facts and insightful idioms. Moreover, linking to their English topic of Pig Heart Boy, the class held a ‘tennis match debate’ to determine whether Cameron
(a fictional character from the class read) should accept a heart from a pig. Kingfishers’ overarching decision was for Cameron to accept a pig heart, because this would give Cameron a chance of life.

After considering the debate, in English, the children created a news report which further explained the story of Cameron and his pig heart. They first presented their reports orally to the class, and afterwards created a written piece. For this piece of work, the children were focussing on writing dialogue and summarising events.

Finally, in DT this term the children have been using CAD. (Computer-aided design) This technology enables the children to a build a 3D model for a future product. They have begun to design an item, using CAD, that can be used by a soldier in WW1, for example a backpack. Once the 3D models are complete, the children will practise their sewing skills to make their chosen design.    

SAT's Information for Parents


Year 6 Curriculum Overview 2023-24


Summer 2 - Geography

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Summer 2 - History

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Summer 2 - Electricity

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