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A paper copy of all the information on this website is available free of charge on request from the school office. Please contact the school office in person or call 01782 234979. To email your information request please send details to

Forest Park Primary School is part of Orchard Community Trust and follows their mandatory polices for the following areas.


Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy

Conflicts of Interest Policy

Financial Regulations

Reserves Policy

Risk Policy
Scheme of Financial Delegation

Trust Commercial Card Policy

Data Protection:

Published Guide to Information

Privacy Notice for the Trust Workforce

Other Policies:

Confidential Reporting (Whistleblowing) Procedure

Environmental Policy

Charging and remissions Policy

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Administration of Essential Medication Policy

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Relationship and Sex Education Policy

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Complaints Policy

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Behaviour Policy

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Late Collection Policy

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Equality Policy

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Toileting and Nappy Changing Policy

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School Debt Policy

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Attendance Policy

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Lone Working Policy

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Policy for managing serial and unreasonable complaints

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