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Owls and Robins


Welcome to the Owls and Robins area

This past half term has been a super busy one! As always, we have been making brilliant progress in our writing, by exploring two new text types for Year 2. At the start of half term we wrote a recount, reminiscing about our trip to Wedgwood and this end of the half-term we have been writing a non-chronological report all about barn owls – inspired by the beautiful story: ‘The Owl who was Afraid of The Dark’ by Jill Tomlinson.

Other exciting projects we have on the go at the moment, are our puppet making lessons in DT and our investigations into habitats in Science. Taking inspiration from other designs and traditional tales, our brief has been to design and make a puppet for Nursery and Reception’s role play areas. We are at the stage of practicing crucial sewing techniques, including running stitches. In science we have been looking at habitats and done some exciting outdoor learning in our forest area, to explore which areas of our school are most densely populated in wildlife.

In addition to our wonderful topics in Science and DT we are exploring Ibn Battuta in history, The Swat Valley in geography and learning all about the similarities and differences of the community and belonging in Mosque and Church through RE. We are prepping our knowledge, ready to take a school trip to City Central Mosque in Summer 2. As this half term has been full of learning about Islamic tradition, we were also fortunate enough to further our experience in celebrating Eid. Year 2 joined in with school wide celebrations, playing games, making crafts and enjoying a delicious homemade lunch with their teachers!

Year 2 End of Year Expectations

This leaflet shows the overview of what your child is expected to learn by the end of their current year group. These are the minimum requirements to ensure continued progress through the following years.


Year 2 Curriculum Overview 2023-24


Summer 2 - History

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Summer 2 - Geography

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Summer 2 - Science

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What's happening and when

Check out our school calendar to find out the exciting things happening at Forest Park!

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