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Year 6

Welcome to the
Hedgehogs and Kingfishers

Year 6 Teachers - Miss Coates & Miss Lomas

Support Staff - Mrs Mault & Mrs Davenport

Click here for your child's PE days
Click here to see your child's school trips for the year

Year 6 students have delved into the fascinating and powerful world of earthquakes. Through interactive lessons and hands-on activities, they explored the causes and effects of these natural phenomena. Following their work with the Hedgehogs earlier in the year, it was the Kingfishers’ turn to be visited by the local PCSOs. Children discussed the issues that people face, the role of the police and what sort of community we want and how we can achieve it. They have been exploring the vibrant and expressive world of Frida Kahlo. Inspired by her unique style and powerful self-portraits, they are now preparing their own self-portraits. The children worked incredibly hard to prepare for their SATs that took place. Throughout the process, they remained positive and resilient. The staff are very proud of their achievements and the growth they have demonstrated. Year 6 performed a wonderful leavers' assembly, thank you to all the parents who came. We wish you well on your journey to secondary school, we know you will be fabulous!

Year 6 Curriculum Overview 2024-25



Autumn 1 Learning


Autumn 1 Learning


Autumn 1 Learning