Year 4
Welcome to the
Dragonflies and Swallows
Year 4 Teachers - Mr Darlington & Mr Kueres
Support Staff - Miss Parkinson & Mrs Cartwright
Click here for your child's PE days
Click here to see your child's school trips for the year
Year 4 loved sharing their DT projects with their parents in June, when they joined them in the classroom to make illuminated Eid decorations out of recycled materials. Thank you to all the parents who came in to help! They were very lucky to have a visit from the Sound Dome in June. They had to crawl inside the inflatable dome, and were transported on a sensory adventure learning all about what sound is, how it travels and some amazing animals that use sound in very special ways! Sports Day was a fantastic event – we even had some sunshine! All children took part in five different events including sprint, sack, hurdles, throw and jump, and were cheered on by their parents all the way. As part of History the children have been finding out about the history of immigration in Britain. To help spot patterns, and ask and answer questions about learning, they split into teams and ordered immigration events on enormous timelines. They were then able to see when immigration was first recorded, and how Britain has grown to be the amazing multicultural society it is today.
Year 4 End of Year Expectations
This leaflet shows the overview of what your child is expected to learn by the end of their current year group. These are the minimum requirements to ensure continued progress through the following years.
Year 4 Curriculum Overview 2024-25
Autumn 1 Learning Geography
Autumn 1 Learning
Autumn 1 Learning