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Forest Park Primary Safeguarding Team

Ms S. Vorajee — Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr S. Thomas - Deputy Headteacher

Mrs C. Moss - Assistant Head Teacher

Miss N. Bloor - Family Support, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Governor with specific responsibility for Safeguarding

Mrs J Peterson - Chair of Governors - contact via the school: or 01782 234979

Forest Park Primary School are committed to providing a secure environment for our pupils, where they feel safe and are kept safe. All staff members at Forest Park Primary School recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, irrespective of the role they are responsible for and whether or not their role has direct or indirect contact with children and young people.

There is no subject of greater importance to Forest Park Primary than the safety of our pupils.

Safeguarding our pupils inside as well as outside of school remains high on our agenda and will continue to do so.

Links to useful websites:

Common Sense Media

Get Safe Online

Comparitech - Protecting Children's Privacy

NSPCC Online Safety